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  • Five Questions: Does Samoa Joe use his towel?

Five Questions: Does Samoa Joe use his towel?

It’s part of his look. He sweats so much. But does that towel around his shoulders ever actually serve its function?

Samoa Joe is a big man. That must be a big towel. I imagine that if I put that same towel around my shoulders, it would go down to my knees.

Samoa Joe is a sweaty man. I should clarify. In the ring during his matches, Samoa Joe is a sweaty man. I cannot speak to his sweatiness in other situations.

He even uses his sweat to add a detail to his heel character during matches. Wipe the sweat, flick it away, laugh at his opponent. Joe is such a compelling character during his matches. It’s the details. His sweat is one of the details.

It also has to be a distraction. I am constantly wiping sweat from my head and face, rare though the cases are when I am sweating that much. I swipe it away with my hand or my arm. I use my shirt. And yes, sometimes I grab a towel.

Samoa Joe has a large, white towel available to him during his matches. But does he use it?

In today’s Five Questions:

  • Using tools for their intended purpose

  • One of the best heels in the business might be back

  • A wrestler who definitely doesn’t golf

On we go.

Where does it go when the match starts? Does he ever grab it to wipe the sweat from his brow? Maybe he has. Maybe I missed it. But I cannot think of a time that Samoa Joe actually used the towel that he brings to the ring, every single time, for the primary reason that any of us uses a towel in the first place.

Let me know if I’m wrong. Onto the rest of this week’s questions. We’ve got three more Hayden questions and one mailbag question.

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